Pavlov's Cat
Pavlov's Cat
Ian R Thorpe
Probably the best known animal experiment behaviourals science was Pavlov's Dogs which is said to show all higher mammals have the ability to learn in the same way humans do. Things have progressed since then and now scientists are using snacks to teach mice, rats and even crocodiles how to get snacks. It's fun but is it science.
They may feed and shelter me,
groom and pet and pamper me,
make my bed on satin pillows,
adorn my neck with pretty bows
but still I shall not fetch thrown sticks
nor perform amusing tricks
and beg for treats from master's hand;
nor march to King or Priest's command.
I will not work 'til I am old
to earn myself a scrap of gold
but go the way of my own choosing
and thus gain more than I risk losing.
And while we extol the virtues of thinking for oneself, the academic fascists of medical science are cooking up new ways to control our minds. The latest is a pill to erase traumatic or unpleasant memories.
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