Songs of Glory (anti - war)


A poem about the pointlessness of war whether the cause be religion or politics. Governments always work the partiotism scam on us but is there really anything noble about dying for one's country, flag or religion?
There is only one justification for war and that is the spontaneous rebelion against oppression and tyranny by the people.

Above the land bold flags are rising,
Old men speak, their words despising
Enemies beyond the shore.
From dawn 'til sunset fanfares ringing
Echo sounds of children singing
Songs of glory, songs of war

From city, town, village and valley,
Ardent for victory young men rally
To defend their nation's cause,
Marching to their fields of glory
To repeat the age old story
And sing again the songs of war

Distant sounds of warplanes bringing
Payload of death from far lands winging
Filling minds with fear and wonder.
Far from conflict and the slaying
In churches wives and mothers praying
Their lives will not be torn asunder

Far from home the armies muster
Inspired by some general's bluster
Right is theirs, they must prevail.
And they march, so many heroes,
caught up in this mad bolero,
towards the batteries vicious hail.

Across the country cries of mourning
Widows, orphans, victory scorning,
Lament the men who sing no more
From the debris of destruction,
Flourishing among corruption
and suffering spring the seeds of war

In young hearts old hatreds nurtured,
Carried on to flower in the future.
Retold forever in tones of awe,
Legends of warlords whose endeavour
clothes  in such patriotic fervour
evil that fuels songs of war.

Copyright 2003 : Ian Thorpe


Read a good article on the folly of patriotism
  Does war Have To Be Inevitable
And the human cost of war includes

Islamic State Threatens UK - Cameron


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