
Showing posts from August, 2022

The Pompous Toad

by Ian R Thorpe A cautionary tale presented as a piece of whimsy    The Pompous Toad   A pompous toad squatted atop a large turd believing it to be an ivory tower; the absurd amphibian seldom deferred to good sense, insisting pomp is power. A passing terrapod astutely observed that the toad owed his lofty position not to reason, logic or rhetorical skill, but a random act of excretion. The toad, undeterred by a critical word or the peril of his precarious situation chose to pontificate and thus irritate humbler creatures of similar station.   A warning word blurted might have averted the disaster that was to befall but though other creatures saw danger approach, the toad had offended them all Tired of being hectored, harangued and lectured none felt inclined to help when danger flew, by so they turned a blind eye as an ignorant crow swooped down very low and swal...